TrembLing or involuntary shaking..or dlm bahasa ibunda ku...menggeletar..korg ade experienced x? mesti lah ade either rarely or frequently itu yang berbeza...biler kiter sebut pasal menggeletar...mesti ramai yang bayangkan...keadaan diri sendiri tgh nervous, sejuk or terlalu lapar pun boleyh buat kiter menggeletar...aku ckp dr experienced sndiri...=)
Tapi lately...tanpa sbb2 yang ku senaraikan di atas..trembling selalu dtg tanpa diundang....cewah...hingga kdg2 mengganggu jgk la activity harian biler ade bnder yang kene ditimbang dan disukat....korg ade sebab dan alasan utk dikongsi x?drop here please....=)
hasil dr google ku yang x seberapa...ade jgk la relate dgn ape yang aku ambil setiap hari...antaranya...CAFFEINE...but the thing is...kenape br skrg mncul sedangkan CAFFEINE yang dtg dr kopi dan sebagainyer dah lama aku amalkan...
below are the list of the causes...harus ku cited kan dulu..this part aku ambil dr
There are many possible causes of trembling. These include:
~strong emotion, such as fear, anger, or anxiety
~stress or fatigue
~being cold. This can simply be due to feeling chilled or a more serious condition such as hypothermia, or low body temperature.
~benign essential tremor, sometimes called senile tremor. This is often an inherited condition that causes mild trembling with no other symptoms.
~hyperthyroidism, or a level of thyroid hormone in the body that is too high
~certain drugs or medications. Examples include:
prednisone, commonly used to reduce inflammation
~albuterol, used in the treatment of asthma
~some medications used for psychatric conditions, such as haldol
~withdrawal from alcohol
~damage to the central nervous system. Damage to areas of the brain called the ~cerebellum and basal ganglia are most likely to cause trembling. Basal ganglia disorders include Parkinson's disease and Huntington disease. Strokes, or brain attacks, can also cause brain damage that may result in trembling.
~kidney or liver failure, which can cause a type of trembling called asterixis
~seizures, or epilepsy, which occur due to abnormal electrical activity in the brain
~myoclonus, a condition that results in brief, quick movements of one or more muscles. This can be due to Alzheimer disease, kidney failure, or a head injury, among other causes.
~tics, a type of quick, repeated movement. This may be the result of condition called Tourette syndrome or other conditions.
~hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar
~a tumor or cancer, such as a brain tumor
Before ku google yang di atas...ade jgk yang da ckp pasal thyroid hormone agak menarik untuk ku google lebih siket....
korg taw x ape function kalenjar thyroid tuh?jom kiter refresh ape yang kiter prnh blaja dulu2 kala..aku pun x ingat da biology form brape...kalenjar thyroid tuh berfungsi utk menghasilkan hormon2 yang digunakan untuk mengawal bagaimana cell2 dlm bdn kiter menggunakan tenaga...or dlm bahasa senangnya...metabolism kiter la..
Tapi ia menjadi masalah biler kalenjar tuh produce terlalu byk hormon2 yang berkaitan....jadi biler da berlaku sebegitu..mulelah bagi symptom2 pada bdn...antaranya??
haaa...antaranya trembling laaa...dan jgk...meningkatkan selera mkn...dan lebih senang berpeluh..haaaa...2 symptom nie..mesti lebih dirisaukan oleh gadis2...hehe...ea la...nnt mkn byk ...n deodarant pun cepat symptom dkt diri sendiri aku pun xtawu la disebabkan oleyh yang mn satu....either ade yang tersenarai di atas or mmg x berkaitan langsung....nak tawu jwpn sbnr..?senang....g checkup Doctor...ape yang ditulis di atas sekadar berkongsi.........=)